ORAL HEALTH CONSULTATIONAn Enjoyable ExperienceWe offer top quality dental treatments & services for healthy, beautiful smiles.
TEETH WHITENINGBrighten Your SmileHigh-Quality Cosmetic Services to restore your confidence with a healthy and beautiful smile.
RESTORATIVE DENTISTRYEverlasting SmilesWe work toward creating youthful and beautiful smiles for patients whose natural teeth require replacement.
Treatment of hard and soft tissue deficiencies with implants and substitutesSurgery
Extraction of erupted and impacted teeth, resective root therapy and other complex surgeryProsthodontics
Restoration of dental tissues with fixed or bonded appliances (crowns, veneers, overlays, bridges)Endodontics
Treatment of diseases of pulp cavity
We Create Beautiful Smiles
WhiteAndPink is a modern dental clinic, specialized in advanced diagnostics and treatment of dental and oral disorders.
We offer comprehensive services from all fields of dentistry. Combining up-to-date technologies and expertise in such field as aesthetic restoration, implantology and prosthodontics, we can help maintain, restore and create your smile.
Comprehensive Dental Services
All of our treatments and services are provided in a comfortable, modern clinic, designed according to high-quality standards.

We work passionately toward creating the most youthful smiles for patients whose natural teeth require replacement.

Artistic restoration
Veneers are an ideal cosmetic solution for everyone who desires a beautiful smile with minimal invasions into their teeth.

Teeth Whitening
In-office teeth whitening allows us to whiten your teeth for as much as 2 — 3 shades in jus one visit.

Oral Health Consultation
Your smile matters to us, so your first oral health consultation at our clinic is completely free of charge.

Emergency Care
We are here to help! Do not hesitate to seek urgent dental care if you experience severe tooth pain or bleeding.
Our doctors
Quality is achieved by successful and devoted co-work of professionals. We are proceed of our team which comprises more that 10 people. Still the heart of our team is our doctors.